《乘夜色飞行》的英文名字叫作The Ride-by-Nights
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妞妞妈821019 楼主The Ride-by-Nights, by Walter de la Mare
Up on their brooms the Witches stream,
Crooked and black in the crescent’s gleam;
One foot high, and one foot low,
Bearded, cloaked, and cowled,they go.
’Neath Charlie’s Wain they twitter and tweet,
And away they swarm ’neath the Dragon’s feet,
With a whoop and a flutter they swing and sway,
And surge pell-mell down the Milky Way.
Between the legs of the glittering Chair
They hover and squeak in the empty air.
Then round they swoop past the glimmering Lion
To where Sirius barks behind huge Orion;
Up, then, and over to wheel amain,
Under the silver, and home again.
(From Peacock Pie: A Book of Rhymes, London: Constable and Co., 1913)
08-23 11:24 -
爱洛公主 2楼英文水平差,看不懂08-23 11:46
小小菲儿 4楼都是英文的,我是看不懂08-23 12:00
天使宝贝娃 5楼全是英文的啊,能难度08-23 12:14
qianqian0901 6楼我也是看不懂的08-23 12:30
chenyulinben 8楼英文需要锻炼了12-23 13:44
ttxs 9楼来看看01-09 23:51