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打开快递袋子一看是一本我的感觉7《我想念你》WHEN I MISS YOU,是电子工业出版社出版,[美】康娜莉娅.莫得.斯贝蔓 著【美】凯茜.帕金森 绘 黄雪研 译 飞思少儿产品研发中心 监制。是中英双语的
有时候,我想念你 Sometimes I miss you
我想念你,即使在你必须去工作的时候.I miss you when you have to go to work
我需要你,但你却不在。I want you,but you're not there.
你到底什么时候回来?When will you come back?
当你出门的时候,我想念你。When you go out,I miss you.
我想给你看些东西,但却办不到。我要你和我在一起!I want to show you something,but I can't.I wish you were with me!
如果你要去旅行,我会想你。I miss you if you have to take a little trip.
短短的几天也显得很长,很长。我想要你吻着我道晚安。A few days seem like a long,long time.I want you to kiss me goodnight.
当你回来时,我感到那么快乐!I feel so happy when you come back!
想念是一种重重的、有点疼痛的感觉。Missing you is a heavy,achy feeling.
我不喜欢想念你的感觉,我要你现在就在这里。I don't like missing you.I want you right now!
但是每个人都会有想念别人的时候。我们希望能一直一直在一起,但这不可能。But eveybody misses someone sometimes We wish we could be together,but we can't.
每个人都有他要做的事。过不了多久我们就会再见面了。Everyone has thing they need to do.soon we'll see each other again.
当我想念你的时候,其他人有法子能帮助我。他们提醒我说,你会回来的。他们会陪着我,和我一起玩。这种温暖和亲近让我感觉好多了。When I miss you,there are ways others can help me.They remind me that you'll be back.They can snuggle with me or we can play.It helps to be warm and close to someone.
我也有法子帮助我自己。我可以抱着我的小毛毯或者小布偶。There are ways I can help myself.Ican cuddle with my blanker or stuffed animal.
我可以找一个舒服的地方,看我最喜欢的书。I can get in a cozy place and look at my favorite book.
我也可以画画,到时候给你看。I can draw a picture to show you.
当你离开一会后,我就不再想你想得那么厉害了。我玩游戏,做东西。When you go away,after a while I don't miss you as much .I play and make things.
我可以过得开开心心的。I laugh and have a good time.
你这么快就回来了!Pretty soon you come back.
能在一起我们都很高兴。We're both glad to be rogether again!
当我想念你的时候,我就知道你会回来!When I miss you,I know you'll be back.
06-26 19:53 -
这套书真的很不错哦...06-26 21:36
我也收到了,真的很不错呢06-27 09:50