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My Friend Rabbit (Board Book) 我的兔子朋友

Although I was a little surprised that this book was named theCaldecott winner this year, the first time I read it to a class, Iunderstood why. Kindergartners and first graders absolutely LOVEit! They laughed out loud and covered their eyes as the animalstumbled to the ground. I enjoy it more every time I share it with agroup of students. It's first rate!

There are some books in the world that you can flip through inthe bookstore and get a pretty good idea of the plot andcharacters. Then there are books like "My Friend Rabbit". Roughly ayear ago I wanted to know what all the "My Friend Rabbit" fuss wasabout. I mean, this book was a 2003 Caldecott Award winner afterall. I wanted to see why. So I went to my local independentbookstore and flipped through it. I flipped and flipped and wasbaffled by the heaping helpfuls of praise it had received. Myhaphazard flipping didn't reveal anything particularly interestingor original in the story. Fast forward a year and I've finallytaken the time to sit down and read, "My Friend Rabbit" in itsentirety (a process which took me all of 93 seconds). Suddenly Iunderstood why it was so beloved. Though an incredibly simple plot,story, and set of characters, "My Friend Rabbit" is a remarkablybeautiful tale of two woodland creatures and their plane relatedmisadventures. It's simple in words and complex invisuals.







差点错过的经典。买的时候是因为它曾获过大奖,不过买来之后第一眼却有点失望,灰暗的色彩,不太可爱的动物,过于简单的英文……可能受了我的影响,孩子一开始也不爱看。但是,某一天再拿起来细细翻看,才发现里面的奥秘。这本绘本最大的吸引力正在于它的画面,其实抛开文字,这同样会是一本好绘本。作者用生动的画面将总是惹麻烦的兔子和各种动物的表情画得十分传神,看那些动物心不甘情不愿的样子以及后来摔下来惊恐和愤怒的表情,就已经让人忍俊不禁了。文字方面,也有出彩之处,虽然文字不多,但是那句“Not to worry, Mouse, I've got an idea”却将一只总有麻烦却也特别乐观的兔子形象恰当地勾勒出来,让人印象深刻。适合2岁以上的宝宝阅读。
by xiyamm 2012-11-14 14:32:36